Grants and Awards
We love visiting schools with big checks and balloons to surprise our grant recipients - CONGRATULATIONS to all the recipients who got their big ideas funded!
LEF Grants
Kenny Lenger, Project MOST
Mr. Lenger received funding to help students expand their transportation options. The MOST Program and partnership with Magna is incredible!
Paul Richardson, Liberty Academy
Mr. Richardson dreamed of creating a Farm School at the Academy, and the Foundation is proud to help make it happen.
Art Smith & Paul Richardson, Liberty Academy
Mr. Smith and Mr. Richardson received a grant to collaborate with Rebel Song Academy to help students develop storytelling and songwriting skills.
Cathy Dolsky, Manor Hill
Ms. Dolsky received funding to take her English Language Development students ice skating at Crown Center, a a classic midwestern cultural experience.
Gina Lange, Heritage Middle School
Ms. Lange received a grant to integrate BEST classroom and regular education students in PE classes. The Unified PE project uses student mentors to develop relationships that will benefit all of HMS.
Maggie Brooks, Liberty High School
Ms. Brooks received funding to take her gifted ELA 10 students to Science City to visit their brain exhibit, the culminating activity of a multi-disciplinary research project on neuroscience and meta-cognition.
Josh Jacobs, Liberty High School
Mr. Jacobs received a grant so students can design and build an architecturally significant playhouse that will be donated and displayed at the KC Home Builders Association Parade of Playhouses at Union Station.
Susan Orne-Wilkins, Heritage Middle School
Ms. Wilkins received funding to help grow the Intramural program at HMS. The goal is to help foster a sense of belonging and fun using a variety of sports activities and board games.
Megan Thompson, EPiC Elementary
Ms. Thompson received funding for Sphero RVR+ robots for all EPiC students to use. The robots will help students solve problems and code using critical thinking, communication, creativity, collaboration and computation.
Susan Maynor, EPiC
Ms. Poskey received funding for multi-sensory learning tools to support individualized learning in her special education classroom.
Jenifer Poskey, EPiC
Ms. Poskey received funding for multi-sensory learning tools to support individualized learning in her special education classroom.
Natalie Craig, LHS
Ms. Craig received funding for the FBLA (Future Business Leaders Association) to attend a leadership conference and competition - incredible real world learning opportunities for students!
Traci Bartolotta, Discovery Middle School
Ms. Bartolotta and Ms. Manion received a grant to take all DMS 6th graders to the Mayan exhibit at Union Station!
Ashley Allen, Franklin
Ms. Allen and Ms. Moore (next photo) will be guiding their 2nd graders through a surprise project. The students don’t know yet, so we can’t spoil the surprise!
Brandi Moore, Franklin
Ms. Moore is working with Ms. Allen on a surprise project for all of Franklin’s 2nd graders. The students will love the practical and fun project!
Astrid Ruiz, Liberty High School
Ms. Ruiz is taking her Spanish 5 and Heritage classes to the Mayan exhibit at Union Station! Students will be creating their own civilizations based on what they learn.
Carrie Sparks, Discovery Middle School
Ms. Sparks is taking all 8th grade PEAK students to the White House Decision Center at the Truman Library. After extensive research prior to their trip, they will role play as Truman’s advisors during WWII!
Brandy Tucker, Franklin
Ms. Tucker and Ms. Talley are taking Franklin 5th graders to Radical Challenge for a personal development and group experience the students are sure to remember!
New Elementary Teacher Grants
Nicole Schweisberger, Lilian Schumacher
Gabby Ryal, Shoal Creek
Martina Ruiz, Lillian Schumacher
Nicole Schweisberger, Lillian Schumacher